The Fastest Way to
Check Website Performance

Enhanced by AI

In less than 90 seconds, find out if your website sucks!

There are countless tools to check website performance, speed, SEO, security, and other critical factors that make a great website. But what if there was a single technology that combined all these features, added B2B-specific factors, and was boosted by AI?

Introducing EPIC Score

EPIC Score is the free website performance checker, specifically made for B2B websites. It measures B2B website performance metrics across four quadrants:
Experience, Presentation, Infrastructure, and Content.
experience is one category of the epic score website performance score
experience is one category of the epic score website performance score


Experience is derived from factors that affect a user's experience. We query Google Pagespeed, get Core Vitals Web and more.

presentation is one category of the epic score website performance score
infrastructure is one category of the epic score website performance score
content is one category of the epic score website performance score
result of website perfomance test
Want the quickest insight into your website's performance across multiple dimensions?

In less than 90 seconds, get your FREE comprehensive report, generated from dozens of detailed tests.

Armed with this information, you can dive deeper and make impactful changes to elevate your website.

Say goodbye to juggling multiple complex tools—uncover performance and SEO issues effortlessly.
audit website performance across SEO and other best practices
Unlike traditional 'technical SEO' audit tools, EPIC Score evaluates websites for their real-world usefulness, impression and performance with actual users and visitors. While it does account for some typical SEO factors, its scope is much broader.

Using a custom bot that queries websites and performs several tests, plus a battery of 3rd party tools including PageSpeed, Google Analytics [coming soon], Moz for domain and page authority, combined with AI-powered analysis, we calculate your comprehensive EPIC Score.

And There is More, Guides

Is your EPIC Score lower than you'd like? Don't worry—we're here to help you turn things around.
We're developing a comprehensive library of how-to guides specifically designed to:

Identify key issues on your website
Provide step-by-step solutions to fix these problems
Boost your EPIC Score significantly

But here's the real benefit: improving your EPIC Score isn't just about a number. It's about enhancing your entire online presence and, by extension, your business.

Why does this matter? Simple. Your website is the digital front door to your company. It's often the first point of contact for potential customers, current clients, job seekers, investors and media representatives.

By optimizing your website, you're not just improving a score—you're creating a more effective, engaging, and professional online representation of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

EPIC Score is the free website perfomance checker, specifically made for B2B websites. EPIC Score checks website performance and provides a measurement score. It quantifies and qualifies a website measuring a site over dozens of factors broken down into four quandrants: E P I C, for Experience, Presentation, Infrastructure and Content. It was conceived by Tushar Atre and the AtreNet team in 2016 and in 2024 it is being introduced as a web service.

We are glad you asked, this is Why EPIC Score

The 'full' EPIC Score analyzes over 100 different factors to determine the score, the free version available here analyzes 31 factors across Experience, Presentation, Infrastructure and Content

Yes, it is FREE! And, no need for registration or sign up or give credit card. It is 100% free! AtreNet can peform a more exahustive audit up request.