check website performance with EPIC Score

Frequently Asked Questions

EPIC Score is the free website perfomance checker, specifically made for B2B websites. EPIC Score checks website performance and provides a measurement score. It quantifies and qualifies a website measuring a site over dozens of factors broken down into four quandrants: E P I C, for Experience, Presentation, Infrastructure and Content. It was conceived by Tushar Atre and the AtreNet team in 2016 and in 2024 it is being introduced as a web service.

We are glad you asked, this is Why EPIC Score

The 'full' EPIC Score analyzes over 100 different factors to determine the score, the free version available here analyzes 31 factors across Experience, Presentation, Infrastructure and Content

Yes, it is FREE! And, no need for registration or sign up or give credit card. It is 100% free! AtreNet can peform a more exahustive audit up request.