Core Web Vitals: First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) measures the responsiveness of a website, quantifying the time from when a user first interacts with a site to when it actually responds. Improving FID involves optimizing how JavaScript is parsed and executed.

Common Issues Affecting FID:

  • Heavy JavaScript execution
  • Long tasks blocking the main thread
  • Render-blocking scripts
  • Large JavaScript bundles
  • Third-party scripts

Solutions to Improve FID:

  • Optimize JavaScript Execution:
    • Break up long tasks into smaller, asynchronous tasks.
    • Use web workers to run heavy computations off the main thread.
    • Defer or asynchronously load non-critical JavaScript.
  • Minimize Render-Blocking Scripts:
    • Move critical JavaScript inline or load it asynchronously.
    • Eliminate unnecessary JavaScript or reduce its impact.
  • Reduce JavaScript Bundle Sizes:
    • Use code splitting to load only the JavaScript needed for the current page.
    • Tree-shake unused code from your bundles.
    • Minify and compress JavaScript files.
  • Optimize Third-Party Scripts:
    • Review and remove any unnecessary third-party scripts.
    • Load third-party scripts asynchronously or defer their loading.
    • Use efficient APIs and only include essential functionalities from third-party libraries.
  • Improve Browser Rendering Performance:
    • Avoid large, complex layout changes that could block the main thread.
    • Optimize CSS to reduce rendering times.
    • Use modern web technologies like requestIdleCallback to perform non-urgent work during idle periods.

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